You don’t get a price reduction for not using a Realtor! Realtors are paid out of the marketing budget, not the construction budget. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, especially someone with a vested interest in having you unrepresented.
We work for you, not the Builder. The salesperson in the model home represents the builder and is negotiating on their behalf.
You’ll work with an experienced, expert. Why rely on the builders representative when you are entitled to your own? And it doesn’t cost you anything!
We know what builder incentives are available. A buyer may not know what some of the current incentives and financing options are that are being offered by the builders. We’ll let you know.
We’ll let you know about builder reputations in the community. You’ll want to know what experience other buyers have had with certain builders and what their reputations are with regards to quality, dependability, timeliness and warranty work after you close.
We’ll research the comp’s on the home you are considering buying. We know what homes are selling for in the area and can advise you.
We’ll coordinate and oversee a 3-Stage Inspection. We will coordinate inspections at the Pre-Pour Foundation stage, Framing stage and final inspection and assist in negotiating and overseeing repairs by the builder.
We will keep the transaction moving and take care of the problems when you are too busy or overwhelmed.
Builders want to work with Realtors. Builders do a majority of their transactions with Realtors.
If you drop into a Model Home without your Realtor, write their name down & check the box that you are working with a Realtor the first time you check in!