When selling a home, even the smallest upgrades and improvements can make a difference. As more people choose to live a sustainable life, eco-friendly home improvements are the best investment you can make as a home seller. They’ll make your home stand out and attract more buyers. The following upgrades and improvements will not only make a return on your investment but also boost your home’s price. Your hard work and extra time pay off once you finalize the sale.
Add solar panels to your home
One of the things that can make your home stand out and boost your home’s sale price is installing solar panels. Home buyers are motivated to purchase a home for a higher price if its monthly costs are low. Therefore, solar panels are an excellent option for boosting the sale price of your home. It’s no wonder solar panels have been one of the most popular home upgrades in recent years. They help homeowners save money while at the same time making a positive impact on the planet. Because solar panels are so popular and take some time to install, the potential buyers of your home will be happy to know that you have already made this upgrade for them. So, make this upgrade immediately and see your hard work pay off.
Make your home smart and sustainable
With smart upgrades, you will make your home more eco-friendly and sustainable. These smart upgrades save energy and will make living in your home enjoyable. A smart thermostat for your home will help you control the temperature more quickly. And it will allow you to control the temperature in your home even when you’re not in it. In the kitchen, upgrade your fridge and purchase one that will let you know when your groceries will expire. This eco-friendly home upgrade will help you reduce food waste in your home. If you have a garage in your home, you can add a charging station for an electric car. A smart fireplace is another eco-friendly home upgrade that buyers will appreciate. You can control it from afar and ensure it doesn’t waste energy.

Adding a garden is one of the best eco-friendly home improvements.
Add a garden
With the price of groceries on the rise, a garden is something many homeowners strive to have today. So, this functional upgrade will attract potential buyers and help you sell your home for a higher price. Additionally, it doesn’t cost much to install. You will need space and the right produce to grow for your climate. Even if you are selling a small yard, you can still make this upgrade. A vertical garden in your home can be just as functional and still boost the price of your home. It’s a great and functional way to fill any kitchen or dining room space. Here, you can add various herbs and vegetables to make cooking more enjoyable.
Improve the lighting in your home
Saving energy in your home can be easy with the right upgrades. A simple way to start making your home energy-efficient is to replace the lightbulbs with LED lights. Upgrading to these lights is one of the most affordable changes. However, they make your home more valuable, reducing maintenance costs and saving energy. The brightness and natural light are significant factors for potential buyers. Therefore, replacing the lights in your home is not just a question of sustainability. It is also a way to improve the look of your home. As for outdoor lighting, solar-powered lights are the best option. In addition, they’ll improve the curb appeal of your home.

Add solar panels to attract buyers.
Insulating your home is one of the best eco-friendly home improvements
An insulated home doesn’t require as much energy to keep it warm or cool. When buyers look at your home, they’ll want to know how well it is insulated. One way you can improve your home’s insulation is to replace the windows. Badly insulated windows cause a lot of energy to be lost. So, make this your first step when trying to improve the insulation in your home. For insulating the rest of your home, use natural and plastic-free materials. Straw bale and fiberglass are some of the most popular options for eco-friendly insulation. When insulating your home, don’t forget to insulate the roof. All of these improvements will make a big difference in the end.
Eco-friendly home staging and decorating
One of the best strategies for attracting buyers has to be home staging. And staging a home can be achieved sustainably as well. Eco-friendly home staging can boost your home’s price by helping the buyers imagine their lives in your home. It maximizes the available space in your home and show’s your home’s potential. But how can you make home staging sustainable and eco-friendly? If you need to buy furniture or decor, purchase it second-hand. This is one of the easy ways to decorate on a budget. The pro to this is that you can also sell your home furnished. If you can’t find the right furniture for staging your home, you can rent it or work with a professional home staging agency.

Upgrade the appliances and stage your home
Change the appliances
Another eco-friendly upgrade you can make is replacing the appliances in your home. Choose appliances that are energy-efficient and sustainable. New appliances are popular home features home buyers seek. And making them eco-friendly is an additional plus, as home buyers will be impressed. Upgrade your laundry machine and choose an option that saves water and electricity. Buying one is unnecessary if you don’t have a drier in your home. Purchase a drying rack instead. You can even secure it to the wall along with an ironing board.
Eco-friendly home improvements: conclusion
If you are selling your home, don’t skip doing these important eco-friendly home improvements. They will help you sell your home faster by setting it apart from the rest on the market. Therefore, they will also boost the final price of your home. These upgrades can seem like a big challenge at first. However, the time and money you invest into these eco-friendly and sustainable upgrades will pay off. You’ll attract more buyers and sell your home for the right price.
Written by: Emma Jones